Saturday, July 11, 2009

a trip to the supply co...

This morning I took 2 friends to my supplier to pick out new glazes. We had so much fun. One picked out a glaze for dinnerware and the other for some serving pieces. I love to do custom glazes. All that means is: I take you with me to pick out a specific color. Your name goes on the glaze when I get back, and anytime you order a piece or someone else orders a present for you, I have a color I know you will love! It's a great idea for people who like pottery, but can't quite find the right color in a store. It also helps certain people...husbands...with Christmas and birthday shopping!
While I was there, I picked up 10 new colors, too! Check back the end of the week for pictures of my new Mississippi platter and color samples.

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